All fees for gymnastics lessons must be paid upfront in full, this is so that the space for your child is held all month. We do not offer the option to pay as you go per session. Children joining halfway through a month will pay for the remaining sessions left. The monthly fee for all classes is calculated on the number of sessions a gymnast will receive throughout the academic year, pro-rated across 11 months.
Club spaces are limited, please pay fee’s promptly and by deadline dates. Failure to meet payment deadlines may result in your child’s place being reallocated to the next child on the waiting list. Invoices go out on the 20th of each month for the next month’s fees (e.g. 20th of September for October fees) from September to July. You will then need to pay the fees by the 27th of each month to guarantee your child’s space.
Any missed sessions will not be refunded unless the session was cancelled by us. In the case of injury/illness/unforeseen circumstance please email the club to discuss options.
You will receive a welcome letter with payment details upon joining.
The Club Membership fee is payable on joining and renewed annually (in September) thereafter. The fee will be added to your first month invoice. You must also register with British Gymnastics. Please visit our Membership Page for more details.
It is compulsory to wear West London Gymnastics kit to all classes. Participants can choose between t-shirt or leotard to be worn with any black leggings or shorts and white socks or gym shoes. Please visit our online SHOP to order your kit.